Two years ago, a decision was made to go and see John Barrowman on stage. Nearly a year ago,
Corinne and I went to Cardiff, (not) to see him. So, when we saw that he was doing panto again, this time in Birmingham, it was not without some trepidation that we decided to book. We opted for fairly early in the run, in the hope that if he was going to have to take time off, it would be later on.
We’d booked for last Friday, so you can imagine how I felt when I got up to find it was covered with snow on Thursday morning. But it melted during the day, and on Friday it was clear, if dull and grey.
On the way down, listening to John on the cd player, we both admitted that we weren’t allowing ourselves to get too excited, as we’d only believe it when he walked onto that stage. Birmingham proved the usual nightmare to navigate in, (‘we’re heading for
Dudley…ok, now I’m
stressed’), and having made the obligatory wrong turnings that are a part of any
real road trip, we arrived at the hotel, and more importantly, the car park next to the hotel. Which was within staggering distance of the Hippodrome.
We went shopping, and walked back past the theatre, but didn’t allow ourselves to go too close in case there were signs up. Instead we reminisced about past visits.
We ate opposite the theatre, and pretty quickly realised that amongst the theatre-going patrons, we were probably overdressed. This was re-inforced when we went into the theatre. Clearly people in Birmingham do not dress up for the theatre!
We couldn’t see any signs. We bought programmes, and laughed at John’s effusive 2 page biog, ‘an Entertainer with a capital E…a unique talent…a hughly amusing and memorable guest’. Bless him, he doesn’t hide his light under a bushel.
The show started, and suddenly, there he was on stage, singing and dancing. There was probably a huge sigh of relief. There was also whooping, as Theatre Snob rules about not applauding people for making an entrance were broken. But then, we’d waited two years for this
As for the production, well, the production values were significantly higher than Cardiff, and I really enjoyed the show (though I could have done with less of the Grumbleweeds, and there was one frankly very disturbing scene where one of them impersonated Cher). The 3-D Genie was very effective, and John was very funny, with quite a few ‘in jokes’. He clearly would have
loved to be Joseph, given all the allusions, and his coat of many colours at the end of Act 1. Best line, probably ‘just what I’ve always wanted, my own group of dancing boys…and girls’. By the interval, we were well into the spirit, and purchasing our own pair of flashing bunny ears.
Afterwards, well of course we were stage dooring. We commented how odd it feels now, when you don’t know someone, but Barrowman fans seem to be well behaved and polite.
He was about the first out – armed with his own pens, I do like a man who is prepared! He immediately explained that he wouldn’t be posing for photos, as his parents had been in and were waiting for him, so people should take them while he was signing, but this was said in such a charming way, you couldn’t fault him. We told him about our trip to Cardiff*, and he actually apologised, so Coza added that we’d enjoyed Cardiff anyway. He also explained that this year they have a contingency plan in place. Up close, those eyes are very blue, and quite disconcerting, and then when he flashes that smile… Sadly, I never quite caught it on camera, but believe me, it was there. He looked slimmer than on TV, so it does adds pounds. He took the time to make sure that everyone who wanted something signing got it. He was utterly lovely, and not at all starry.
Afterwards, where else, but the closest bar**, to look at the pics, and chat. It is all about the long game, we’ve never been short haul girls, and finally, we’ve met him.
*Yes, the classic line, we’ve come all the way from York, was trotted out
**I’m very fond of the Hippodrome. It has all the essential theatre amenities. Good restaurants close by, a good stage door, and a bar close by. And excellent sightlines too.