Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

More about the Welsh Wonder

Well, he’s got all sorts of alliterative names from Arlene – gorgeous Gethin, Gethin the gallant, I tried to come up with another on the same lines, but as it all tended to involve gyrations, I opted for something different. Seriously, how good was he on Saturday? I admit it, I was very nervous about his salsa, but he was on fire. And as for that shirt - ‘I didn’t realise it was see though!’ How cute is he?!!

I just hope he can keep it up now. He was just so loving it. His reaction after the waltz was lovely to see. He was hyper with it, and after the salsa, he didn’t know where it had come from. I know that feeling, when suddenly something comes from inside you and you perform in a way that you didn’t think possible. Maybe he’s finally been bit by the performance bug.

Respect is definitely due to that acting coach. So now we know, there’s Geth, quite shy, not comfortable with performing, and there’s Gethin, the dancer. It’s lovely to see how humble he is, and how little self confidence he has, but he doesn’t lay it on with a trowel like Letitia. He just shrugs his shoulders and gets on with it.

He appears so clean cut that I think quite a few people would like to look for a naughty side. I don’t think the Blue Peter image helps, as they probably have to be squeaky clean these days. I’m still gutted to read that they won’t let him pose without his shirt on!

All this will, of course, pass, but for now I’m enjoying it. After all, at least when I was sitting in a fairly boring meeting this afternoon, I could just drift off and think about that shirt.

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