Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

More battles with technology

I was given a brand new flashy laptop yesterday by work! Very exciting. Of course, I couldn't get it to work, and couldn't fix the remote mouse (I can't cope with those little pad thingys that laptops have)

So, today I went in to work, all ready to get it fixed. Firstly it turns out that what I thought was a memory stick (it looks like a memory stick and you put into a USB port, I thought they were just being generous) is actually the arial thingy for the mouse, So that worked.

Then IT took it over. And proceeded to rant at me about how, of course, I can't possibly use it for internet and email, as I might pick up a virus, and anyway, I can't have it yet, as they have to load stuff. At which point I was blinded with science and ranted back. 'You mean I can use it like an oversized memory stick to save my work on, and that's about it'

Later in the day

'Have you got your new laptop?' (red rag to a bull)
Me: (in 'not a happy bunny tone') 'No, apparently it hasn't got everything loaded, and still hasn't got Word on it. Apparently it had to be stripped down'
'Well, you see, your computer's like a brick wall. It's going to be taken back down, and even the plaster taken off. Then it will be re-plastered, but we'll add a lick of paint as well'

Now, that, I understand!



At 9:32 AM, Blogger Nic said...

I want a laptop. I am not impressed that my dad has decided he is going to buy a new laptop and then took me and my mum round the store to look at it and it's very sexy! I want one. Of course he then informed me that I had a new computer and I wasn't getting a laptop. That is, of course, beside the point.

Surely if you put virus protection software and spyware on it you can use it for the internet?

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that's what I thought - but apparently not!! Grrrr!

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Nic said...

Well that's rubbish then! Grr.


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