Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Stratford Effect

All the journey down, I was fine, in a haze of Shakespeare, and Stratford and sunshine. I managed to avoid being grumpy* for most of the afternoon, despite the overwhelming amount of work in front of me, and the constant bombardment of questions. Even yesterday evening, as I finally left work just after 9, I could still feel it hanging around me. The 'Stratford Effect' had restored my sanity for one day in my crazy work schedule, for I could imagine I was back there, in the theatre, in the Pimm’s Garden, or just looking at the river.

But, today, it had gone. I was irritable, and stressed, and babbling. For I’m still working at a distance, despite having had the conversation with my boss nearly six months ago that it needed to end. I think in my heart of hearts, I knew I would still be there, for to walk away just now would be letting people down, and I can’t do it.

So instead I lurch from crisis to crisis, but trying to please everyone, and pleasing no one, least of all myself. I could work 5 days a week there, and it still wouldn’t be done.

So, I need the ‘Stratford Effect’** more than ever, if I’m going to get to the end of September. I also need to have another conversation with my boss!

*believe me, when I am, even I don’t like me!

** The Stratford Effect isn’t just Stratford, it’s any theatre/art/cultural activity.

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