Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Monday, June 30, 2008

Because, like so many others, I can’t let the moment go by without comment…

There it was, on screen, the long awaited reunion of the Doctor and Rose…running towards each other down a long street*, when that pesky dalek emerged.

I was convinced it was Rose who was a gonner, and I believe I gasped when it hit the Doctor**.

At the moment, I’m holding the faith with RTD. I firmly believe that if it was the end, then it wouldn’t (couldn't!) have been in such a minor key. I know I didn’t trust him on Billie Piper, or on Catherine Tate***, but I do believe.

Really, I do.

*really, just how long was that street!
** Is it just me, or don’t daleks usually have a tendency to speak before they fire? – for once, that sneaky little dalek fired first!
*** Yes, I know!

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