Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Of course, this just brings more pressure

I got my first OU assignment back yesterday. Surprising really, as the deadline for submission isn’t until today. Don’t imagine that this is how things will go on. For once I was ahead of the game. It won’t continue, and my reading is already falling behind.

I’m impressed with the speed of marking, as it used to take a minimum of 6 months to get work marked at St John’s, which was hopeless for knowing how you were doing.

After initially stressing about the assignment, I buckled down to actually writing it, and quite enjoyed it. It’s amusing to read the tutor’s comments though, as they are still so similar to the ones I used to get at school. Yes, I do write long and convoluted sentences. I always have, and it’s not likely to change now.

I got 75%, which I’m pleased with, and it was enought to send me back to the books this morning with renewed enthusiasm. But now I have to live up to this in future assignments, and this will be more difficult as they deal with topics less familiar to me. Or, rather, I don’t have to, as nothing is at stake but my own pride, and yet I know that I will be striving for this. Again, this is part of me. Often I’d rather not start something than fall short of my own expectations. It’s quite a limiting trait, and yet it’s difficult to break. Of course, if my marks take a downward turn, then I won't be sharing them here!



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