Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A tale of men in frocks...and Wagon Wheels

After the traumatic visit to the panto in Cardiff, I felt the need for a ‘proper’ panto, and, as I've mentioned before, there is really only one panto that I give the time of day, and that’s the one at York Theatre Royal.

Is it really that different from all the others? I know it doesn’t have anyone from Neighbours or Big Brother (thank God). Then you see a run of the mill panto, put on by one of the big panto production companies and you realise, Oh yes it is!

So Monday night, I went to see this year’s offering, Cinderella, accompanied by Corinne, who I though very brave to try another panto after the last experience, so I was a little concerned that it would live up to my high praise.

As we took our seats, Corinne commented on the small number of children in the audience, which I said was typical for this panto. From the moment Berwick entered trying to convince us that this year he would be playing Cinders, with his traditional greeting of ‘me babbies, me bairns’ we were away. And I was laughing, at the ad libbing, at David Leonard playing both the Baron and the Baroness, which demanded some very quick changes, at the animal glove puppets that sang along to the love song between the Prince and Cinders (now played by perennial principal girl, Suzy Cooper), at the ‘slosh’ scene, where buckets of water were thrown with incredible force.

There was a beautiful transformation scene, the Fairy Godmother in a fabulous red sparkly frock (oh, yes, I could see myself in that!) and a tribute to Martin Barrass’s 21st panto, which made me laugh at all the clips from pantos past.

Then one of the most important parts of the evening, the throwing (but not hard, oh no, remember Health and Safety!) of the Wagon Wheels. Oh yes, readers, I have indeed fought off small children in the past for possession of a Wagon Wheel. This year, as soon as we sat down and we at the end of a row, owing to the removal of some seats, I thought, ‘good chance here’ and indeed a broad grin at Martin as he came down the aisle, brought the desired Wagon Wheel. Which I promptly gave to Corinne, ‘I hope you feel honoured, I’ve never given one away before!’.

I guess it made me realise that there really is only one panto for me. And I get to see it all again on Saturday, for the last night. But will it be the same show – Oh no it won’t!

If anyone is interested to read more about Berwick and his approach to panto, there's an article here from a couple of years ago.

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