Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Looking down, and up again

It’s a truth that when I’m busy, I have little time to blog, and have to make a special effort to write about things. Which is why many significant events go by unrecorded on here. If I’m writing a lot, then I’m doing less, and I’ve been writing quite a bit recently.

Until the end of January, things were pretty hectic on the social front, and then I hit the point, just after the trip to London, when I had hardly anything booked. No theatre, which hadn’t been the case for about two years, because of my forward bookings. February was looking pretty bleak. And it’s a pretty bleak month to start with.

So, over the last few weeks, I’ve been on a bit of a mission to get things in the diary, and it’s coming together. Two trips to the theatre, a couple of days at Scarborough Literary Festival, another trip to London, and some discussions about holidays.

Then last week, I saw an advert on the local paper for the York launch of a social group. Spice are pretty well known, I know a friend of a friend who joined some time ago, and loves it, but lots of the events have been based around Leeds, Huddersfield or even, *shudder*, Sheffield.

It took a bit of organising to get back in time to go along to the launch event at Kennedy’s* on Thursday night, but I made it.

J came along as well, and it was quite funny to look at us both working the room, trying to talk to as many people as possible. There were a lot of new people there, and a few existing members, who were there to tell the newbies about it, though I felt we were working harder than they were. It’s sadly true that once you get involved in any group, you tend to become part of a sub-set (which I’m not calling a clique, but often is) and then seem less welcoming to new people. They all seemed pretty normal. Or as normal as I would want them to be, which means up for doing stuff.

There was an offer of three months free membership, for yes, you have to pay for the privilege of hopefully making new friends. It’s an opportunity to go to a few things, and see what I think, so I signed up. There seem to be a lot of events on at any rate.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

*I know it’s the Bar with no atmosphere, but I didn’t hold that against them.


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