Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Friday, June 06, 2008

What was I saying about mud?

You might have noticed that the weather’s been a bit ‘variable’ this week. Good old June, as soon as we reach what should be the start of summer, it gets very unsettled.

Last year, a hint of rain would have stopped us walking, this year we’re much more hardened individuals, so on Sunday we set off for a walk round Cawood*, despite the fact that it had been raining, and looked like it would do again.

We hadn’t been walking for long when we reached the riverside, and a rather overgrown path, through very long grass. Very wet long grass. As I was leading, I was the first to hit all the undergrowth still holding the rain, which it deposited onto the front of my trousers. I was soon complaining, and asking someone else to take the lead. Soon everyone was very wet, and as we were walking along the edge of a field, we also picked up a lot of mud on our boots. It was starting to feel a bit too serious to be a handbag walk!

As this was at the beginning of the walk, we had to continue and dry off as we walked (and for once there wasn’t a mid-route coffee shop in sight!). It’s an interesting area, but sadly little remains of the castle that was once the ‘Windsor of the north’, so we had to imagine Cardinal Wolsey popping down to his fish ponds for a fresh trout.

As for us, well, at the end we piled into lovely little Ferry Inn to dry off. I got my boots out again today for another walk – they still hadn’t completely dried out!

*The walk is called the Wolsey walk, after Cardinal Wolsey who was arrested at Cawood Castle. There's also a theory that this is where the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty comes from.



At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your boots are seeing so much more action than mine, I'm unspeakably jealous.


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