Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Monday, April 16, 2007

Booze cruising on the Ouse

4 pics in one post, that must be a record!

When Cat asked me if I wanted to join her at the album launch for Rick Witter and The Dukes, on a 'booze cruise with a live band' I have to admit it was the thought of the boat trip and the bar that swung the decision. My only previous experience of Rick Witter was when Shed Seven played the Summer Ball gig at the end of my first year at Uni, and I'm afraid we'd left part way through the set. But this was an exclusive event, with very limited tickets, so it all felt a bit special. And I'm all for a bit of exclusivity.

As it turned out, it was a fab night, with wine, cocktails, wide ranging discussions, beautiful surroundings and good music. What could be better? Cat educated me in the need to wave at everyone on the tow path until they waved back, and then we obtained our own personal crowd (of one) when I rang J, who lives by the river and told her to come out and wave at us. And she did! As we performed mock bows at each other, and someone asked 'do you know that woman?', it was very tempting to reply, 'no, never seen her before in my life!'

And it was a 'proper' gig, with Rick working the crowd like the pro that he is (soooo skinny, though!), and thanking everyone for coming. It all go a bit sweaty down on the lower deck, and there was a bit of bouncing. As for the music, I really enjoyed it, ok, some more than others, but it had real energy.
A really good night, and a fab way to 'launch' an album. It could give people ideas.

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