Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Monday, April 02, 2007

Welcome aboard Miss Jones

I admit it, I had to watch the first episode twice to decide what I thought of it. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I didn't think it was up there with great ones. It had the usual problems of a series opener, it needed to have lots of action to keep the attention, and, this time, it had to introduce Martha Jones. At the moment, I'm reserving judgement, but she's intelligent and feisty, and not phased by rhino headed aliens, which is all good*.

One problem I had was that I didn't think that the threat was much of a threat (I know the magnetism thingy was going to kill half the planet, but I don't think any of us believed that did we?), but then this episode wasn't really about that, it was about the Doctor and Martha, so it was the scenes between the two of them that were the core of the episode. It was a bit like a very strange job interview, as he was testing her reaction to the events.
Then it came to the 'temptation' scene (above) - who could resist a man with a tardis and a sonic screwdriver? And that final five minutes was just lovely.
Next week, Shakespeare at the Globe Theatre - I am just a tiny bit excited.
One question though - who is Mr Saxon? Is he this year's Bad Wolf/Torchwood**?
*though Corinne would have been a better choice
**ok, technically, that's two questions!

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At 2:44 PM, Blogger Corinne said...

I would have been better ;-)

I'm v. intrigued about Mr Saxon too and a little (ok, a lot) excited about 'The Shakespeare Code' - from the clips it looks like we might have arrogant Shakespeare. I approve.


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