Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Deja vu

Yesterday morning I got up to find I'd missed 3 calls, asking me if I wanted to go walking at Beningbrough. 'I did that on Monday!' 'Well, you can do it again, can't you?'

So we were off, on a misty morning, and we walked along the river through the parkland, even though the house, and, more importantly, therefore the tea shop, wasn't open. I guess we did a couple of miles again. I did a bit of whinging, as I was wearing the non-trainers again, and the grass was damp. They got muddy, and my feet got wet! It's all very well saying 'stride out, and think of Mr Darcy' but it doesn't work with wet feet.

We stopped at a garden centre on the way back. It had a tea shop with luscious home made cakes, and I didn't even know it existed. Fancy that.

It's all getting a bit energetic though, that's 3 walks in a week!

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