Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Not just for children

Yes, it's time for the Harry Potter blog*, in honour of us finally discovering Platform 9 and three quarters at Kings Cross**, and my finally getting my copy of 'Order of the Phoenix' back from my friend who borrowed it over two years ago. It's therefore the only one of the books that I've only read once, and there's lots of it I don't remember, so I'm hoping that by reading it now, it will have faded a bit by the time the next film comes out.

I have to admit I came a little late to the party with Harry, as I didn't read any of the books until I was at Uni, and discovered that the youth theatre that I was doing a placement with were going to be spending a week improvising pieces around an HP theme. So, I read the first three books in a weekend, waited until book 4 was out in paperback, but have been unable to resist the new hardback editions of the last two - mainly I think because I don't want anyone to tell me what happens before I've read it. 'Askaban' is still my favourite though, because of the twist at the end.

I have to admit to being a Sirius fan, so this isn't a good book for me. I'm afraid my love for Snape didn't exist until he was played by Alan Rickman - I think you're either Siruis or Snape, not both. I do love the way the 'back story' has gradually developed from book to book, so that some things aren't quite what you think they are. And, of course, it's all building up now for the big finish. I hope JK doesn't let us down.

*If it wasn't HP, it would be work, as that's really all I've done for the last week, and that's not what this is about.
**Cat actually spotted it (and took the pic). The trolley is embedded in the wall, as though halfway to the platform.

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At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that by reading it now, it will have faded a bit by the time the next film comes out.

what? why not just not read it at all and rest easy in the knowledge that it will certainly have faded by the time the film comes out? then you and all the other kiddies can enjoy it fully, untroubled by textual inaccuracies.

and, you read three books in a weekend!? how did you manage to keep up with other stuff - like eating?

I'm reeling (and ranting).


At 3:31 PM, Blogger Corinne said...

In Val's defence :-P the first three books are quite short so reading them in a weekend is very do-able. The first time I read Phoenix (and even I concede Phoneix is huge) I read it in less than 24 hours so I probably can't talk.

And I heart Snape 4eva.


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