Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Friday, August 28, 2009


There was a point towards the end of July when I was looking at my diary for August and trying to plan something in. The first ‘free’ day I could spot, when I wasn’t already committed to something, or likely to be doing something, was today.

Somehow August has gone by in a blur of sun (well, in Paris, anyway), rain (Edinburgh!), theatre, holiday, days out, rehearsals, oh, and quite a bit of work as well. It's been fun. Exhausting at times, but fun (well, maybe not the work part, as that's been pretty tough, but all the more reason to do the good stuff). September seems to be shaping up to be more of the same, as I’m still really busy at work, and alongside that have even more rehearsals*, and theatre trips, to fit in.

At least I haven't had time to be bored. Or to do any house work! So one of my priorities this weekend is to have a bit of a catch up, a bit of a tidy, and maybe go for a walk. Best thing to do on bank holidays, I think, and this last summer bank holiday always seems a bit crazy, as everyone dashes out to catch the last of the summer before the schools go back.

*For we are performing this on 26 September and 17 October. Somewhere in the next few weeks I have to actually learn the lines

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