Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Monday, January 05, 2009

Doctor Who?

(yes, I know it’s been used by others, but it’s an obvious one)

After much speculation, and even the suggestion that we could have a female Doctor this time, David Tennant’s replacement, and the Eleventh Doctor, was announced on Saturday evening as Matt Smith. It’s a measure of just how popular this programme is that it was announced on Saturday evening primetime, and even shown on the big BBC screens across the country.

I have to admit my initial reaction when his face flashed up on screen was ‘oh’, and ‘who?’ I had to be reminded that I’d seen him in Ruby in the Smoke (so hadn’t found him memorable). I hadn’t watched Party Animals, probably because politics is, for me, pretty much a turn off. I was surprised that they’ve cast someone so young, but also pleased that it’s not one of the more obvious names who have been mentioned, so hopefully they’ve gone for acting ability. The fact that he was once a History Boy gives me hope, as he’s got a theatre pedigree, and that’s always good in my book.

So, despite my comments, my reaction isn’t currently similar to the one I had to both Billie Piper and Catherine Tate – both of whom proved me wrong in no uncertain terms. I think he has potential. Not as much, admittedly, as David did, but I can see a quirky-ness in him that is appealing. He also has very defined cheekbones, always good in my book (yes, I know, that’s nothing to do with his acting, but I’m shallow)

Until he makes his debut, we still have more of David to come. I have to admit to being slightly disappointed in The Next Doctor. I loved it at first, when the Doctor was trying to discover why the other ‘Doctor’ couldn’t remember him, but felt it tailed off in the second half, and honestly found the Cyberking striding above London a bit daft. But then, at the end, it was all pulled back, with a look, a few words, and a broken heart, and once again there were tears on Christmas Day.

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At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should give Party Animals a go - it isn't *just* about politics. The girl from The Devil's Whore was his love interest. I quite fancied the other brother though...


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