Confessions of a Theatre Snob

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Welcome Back

SPOILER WARNING if you haven't watched Partners in Crime yet!

I’ve been a bit lax with the blogging this week. Mainly because I’ve been out every night until last night (not quite as much fun as it sounds, as at least half of it was work, but the bits that weren’t, were good!) And last night, of course, the new series of Doctor Who started.

The trailers started the excitement building a few weeks ago. Yes, I’ve had my reservations about Catherine Tate. I quite liked her as Donna in the ‘The Runaway Bride’, but will she be a bit much for a whole season? For the moment, I’m reserving judgement, though I know I should learn to trust Russell*.

I enjoyed last night’s opener. Donna didn’t need a detailed introduction, so there was the chance to play it for comedy, as she and the Doctor kept missing each other. The aliens were cute, even though the idea was a bit gross (though I wouldn’t mind a pill where you could lose a pound or so of fat while you slept!)

I loved the mimed conversation when they eventually saw each other – though DT was much better at it than CT. Sarah Lancashire was a superb icy villain, though all bluff I thought, as she could easily have got rid of the journalist, so she probably didn’t deserve the ending she got.

Ah, the ending. The one moment when I forgot to breathe, as the blonde woman turned to the camera. Yes, we all knew that Rose would re-appear this series (though we don’t as yet know how), but to see her in the first episode was a shock.

Good old Russell, he still manages to surprise us.

*Yes, I'm referring to Billie Piper!

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